Monday, 4 November 2013
वो नादान हैं जो कहते हैं कि मौसम बदल रहा है…
ये तो किसी के आँखों की नमी है जो दुवाओं में है, हवाओं में है....
जब भी दिए जलाये, उन्हें महसूस किया है.....
ये उनकी ही तो खुशबू है, जो फ़िजाओं में है...हवाओं में है.…
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
जो हमने दर्द बयाँ किया, तो वो कहते हैं वाह-वाह ... !
बड़ा ज़ोरों का तूफां है, संभलना ऐ मेरे मल्लाह ........!!!
Sunday, 12 May 2013
Letter to the world's best mother from a good daughter (not d best).....!
courtesy: /images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSK9KNoCm9bQAK9hbqDArfLRzuGgIHBWfWzIytiS6YFcD-j-l39SQ
Dear Maa,
Thanks for being the best !!! and
more sincere thanks for being mine…… as it makes my life so fine……!
I always wanted to thank you for
everything u did & doing for me but I couldn’t …. as I found that mere words
are so insufficient but today I can’t resist myself to write this as everyone
is talking about his/her mother and their relations. We also share such a
beautiful bond! Isn’t it? So, I have to tell
you lots of things…….
I clearly remember those days,
when I was a kid and you had little to spent but you'd very successfully
managed to made me look pretty enough by making a beautiful frock even by some old
shirts of Papa. Thanks for that…….!
Even today, I remember your all
of those stories and can very easily recall the tunes of your Lories. I do remember
your efforts to make me understand the morals of those stories. Thanks for inculcating
moral values & noble thoughts in me and initiating the making of a good
human (as I think I am... :-) )…..
I remember your hard work to make
me capable in securing first rank in my classes during schooling and proud
tears in your eyes. You always appreciated and inspired me. You always made me
feeling myself very special even on my very small achievements. Whatever, I am
today, is just because of you. Thanks for that… !
Sometimes, I wondered that how you
are so strongly capable to search any file, any copy or any dress from messed
up heaps of goods. I think it is your love for your children who works as an
especial searchlight. Really, I am sorry for getting you on nerves on thousands
of times. Love you mamma..!
During my boards or other exams I
had always found you beside me during my late night studies; it not only made
me awaken but your tight hugs during my ten minutes power naps used to give me
so much of power, strength and confidence. I used to say, “Mummy! Kuchh yaad
nahi hai...sab bhool raha hai” & you encouraged me by saying “paper dekhte
hi sab yaad aa jayega”…. And really those words were so magical at that time. Thanks
for that…….! I am also thankful to you for arranging my books when I left those
scattered before going to exams. I am really sorry too for that……!!!
I am one among those lucky persons
who have enjoyed most tasty and delicious dishes & cuisines. It is also
because of you. There is a long list containing items which cannot be prepared well
than of you even by any master chef. I am also thankful to you for providing me
meals even on bed during my exams and being so patient when I was frustrated
and rude. Please forgive me for all of my mistakes and faults.
Earlier, I was more closed to
papa and was less expressive but when I started staying in hostels, I missed
you so badly….. Yes, I was totally dependent on you right from my file covers
to tiding of my hairs but I missed you not only because of my dependency on you
but also because I love you so much and it was very difficult for me to live
far from you. At that time, I realized truly, how much I love you and I was
able to see your tears too even on hostel land-line phone for that we had
decided the time of 5 AM as rest of the time it was very difficult to get call
on that….! Thanks for being so punctual at that time…!!!
I found you to be the first person
who supported me always, in each and every problem, who helped me in all my
difficult situations and circumstances and believe me you, were awesome…!! You were
always capable to make me come out. I know very well that undoubtedly, you are
the person who loves me the most. I love you too my mamma. Thanks for giving me
so much unconditional love and support and please always be there as my
strongest point because even now, I am absolutely dependent on you and never
want to be independent in this regard.
I am really thankful to you for
being my teacher, friend and guide whatever I needed. In all forms, you are the
best. I do enjoy your company too much; either its shopping or gossiping.
Recently, when I saw you enjoying video games, I came to know from
where I got so keen interest in crossing these levels and achieving targets on
active games. Really, I enjoy this too much with Abhas and you.
I know very well that you
sacrificed your life for family, for us without any complaints. Now, as I am
too a mother, I can understand in a better way that how many sacrifices and
efforts you made for us, for our happiness. Thanks a lot for everything Maa!!! Really these words are absolutely insufficient
to express my feelings and your greatness for me but I just want to say only
this………. I love you so much Mummy! And u r the best…….!!! Thanks for being the
best !!! and more sincere thanks for being mine…… as it makes my life so fine……!
‘Soni’ (Bhawana)
Thursday, 25 April 2013
मन में उमड़े हैं फिर बादल, सोचा कुछ आज लिखूं मैं
दिल की इन स्याह सी बातों से, कुछ पन्ने आज रंगू मैं .......
इक गहरा सन्नाटा सा छाया है मेरे अन्दर ...
कुछ प्रश्नों के पर शोर भी हैं, जो चुभते जैसे नश्तर ..
हम तो मनुष्य थे, सभ्य भी थे, सुसंस्कृत भी ..
पर अब क्यूँ बनने लगे पशु, दानव और पत्थर ...
क्या वो भूल गए, कलियों से ही खिलता है गुलशन..?
ये भी भूल गए कि हम ही करते थे कन्या पूजन ...?
बहन-बेटी जैसे शब्द तो उनको याद ही होंगे ...?
या ये भी भूल गए कि किसने उन्हें दिया जीवन ..?
मानव जन्म मिला है , न करें कुकृत्य इसे लजाने का
उस गर्त में भी ना गिर जायें कि साहस ही न हो उठ पाने का
अब वक़्त है उन्हें चेताने का, ये सब कुछ याद दिलाने का ..
नारी का अर्थ नहीं है बस, आहत होकर सह जाने का ..
यदि नारी ममता है, तो शक्ति भी है, वो श्रद्धा है, धरती भी है….
वो कोमल है, तो ऊर्जा भी है, यदि लक्ष्मी है, तो दुर्गा भी है….
हे अबला ! अब सबला बन के, तुझे अपनी लाज बचाना होगा ..
आ गए कई 'महिषासुर' हैं; 'दुर्गा ' बन उन्हें मिटाना होगा ....
मन में उमड़े हैं फिर बादल, सोचा कुछ आज लिखूं मैं
दिल की इन स्याह सी बातों से, कुछ पन्ने आज रंगू मैं .......
Saturday, 13 April 2013
आज प्रथम है साक्षात्कार
उसका इस बाहरी दुनिया से
आज प्रथम है साक्षात्कार
होना ये आवयश्क भी है
ये ही देगा उसको आकार .......
इन बातों से अवगत भी हूँ
उत्साह भी मेरे मन में है
किन्तु ढेरों संशय भी हैं
जो उठते गिरते हैं हर बार…
प्रारंभ हुआ संघर्ष नया
चलने का, गिर कर उठने का
दुनिया के हर पैमाने पर ..
खुद को अब साबित करने का .
बने वो एक अच्छा इन्सान
इस माँ का है ये आशीर्वाद ..
उसके इस निश्छल से मन को
सदा मिले बस प्यार ही प्यार ..
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
new resolution
अब नाविक ने ठान लिया है, नौका पार लगाने को..
वो तूफां हों, या भवँर हों वो, उनसे कह दो रुक जाने को...:-)
वो तूफां हों, या भवँर हों वो, उनसे कह दो रुक जाने को...:-)
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